Special Reports

Advertising Sales - How can your publication survive the hard times? What are the best strategies for maximizing ad sales?

Book Publishing for Magazines - Learn how you, as a magazine publisher, can make the jump into book publishing. This report discusses cost, advantages, time frame, and pricing.

Editing Productivity - How can you get the most out of your editorial staff? Learn how to determine your editorial hours per page, minimize miscommunication with new hires, and implement sound management technique to keep your staff on track.

Editorial Salaries - How much are editors making today? What are the most lucrative editorial jobs? This report includes 2008 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Folio Magazine's annual editorial survey.

Readership Survey - Discover the best methods for surveying your audience, including sample size, derivation, timing, design, and tabulating results.

Start a Magazine - What are the secrets of starting a new publication? How do you execute your start-up plan?

Strategic Planning - Achieve your longterm goals with sound operating and conceptual plans. Implement change in your editorial office while minimizing resistance and staff anxiety.

Trade Secrets of Editors - Sound advice from some of the industry's most respected editors.